Acts 1:8 but you shall receive power when the ' Holy Spirit ' has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.
Acts 2: 1-4 2...there cam from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind.... 4...and they were all filled with the 'Holy Spirit' and began to speak with outer tongues as the 'Spirit' gave utterance.
Acts 8 14 Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent them Peter and John.
15 who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
16 For He had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus
17 Then they began laying hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit!
How is it that in this day and age that so many boast of living the divine life of blessing so very very few actually know this true experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So many boast about be rich in the knowledge of God and even in Jesus but when it comes to the Holy Spirit they become defensive like a defensive lineman for the Denver Broncos. My suspicion is they are afraid of something they have not experienced and are afraid to say or admit that they do not know the reality of the person or work of the Holy Spirit in this personal way. It is tragic to say the least that arguments begin to ensue all in order that the individual will not have to deal with this matter.
The tragedy in this is that the very divine promise of God in the ascension of His Divine Son in the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon all mankind is negated by the refusal of God's own people due to their own ignorance and fear. What a tragedy that the rivers of God would be dammed up once again by His people's unbelief.
The other side to this is if His people have a ear to hear His voice then they will hear the Lord when He said.. " I must go for I will send another Helper, the Comforter and He will lead you into the knowledge of all truth." If Jesus had not said it Himself we would have told Him to stay but Jesus knew that by the Help of the Holy Spirit we would be supplied.
How foolish it would then be if the Lord sends the Holy Spirit and we would not let Him into our lives and allow Him to do that very thing He was sent to accomplish.
We can see in the very first verses of Acts how fantastically this Holy Spirit came rushing in and announcing His coming like a noise of a mighty rushing wind! The disciples were so prepared to receive. Are we? Then the Holy Spirit rested on their heads. Then they were FILLED with the Holy Spirit and it manifested itself in them by them speaking in unknown tongues.
It was just what Jesus Himself had prophesied.." You shall receive power from on high when the Holy Spirit descends on you."
Some may then think , well...it was just for the disciples for service and not everyone should have this experience. I will tell you this. Every believer in the early centuries knew intimately the person and work of the Holy Spirit. The only believers that are devoid of it is this generation because of some terrible teaching or pent up reaction that we just need to get over. We need to stop behaving as mere children and repent and lift our hands up to God and His Christ and say.." Whatever it is that you have promised for me forgive me if I in my unbelief have hampered it. Help my unbelief and rain down upon me the Holy Spirit."
In the third set of verses I show how some believers in another city had already received the word of God and believed it and were even baptised in the name of Jesus ( does this sound like most of the believers this day?)
but they sent them Peter and John who were experienced brothers who were under the anointing of the Lord and knew the Lord intimately
Peter and John entered into prayer for them that they would receive the Holy Spirit( notice they did not simply put them in water and say ceremonial words to some how symbolically believe it had somehow happened. They were there to pray that it would 'in fact happen'. How long they pray we do not even know but thank God that there were brethren that knew that this matter had to be taken care of and it was significant if the brethren were to go on)
Then they layed hands on them and as they were.... they were receiving the Holy Spirit.
A divine transaction was occurring. OH PRAISE THE LORD!
What makes this divine transaction so marvelous? Peter states it when at the day of Pentecost all the people wanted to know what in the world was going on with these many believers being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in other languages..
Peter said " This is a proof to you that this Jesus whom you crucified is now both Lord and Christ."
It is because Jesus is seated at the right hand that the promise of the Spirit has been released on His many sons and daughters. HE IS NOW SEATED AT THE FATHERS RIGHT HAND! OH HALLELUJAH! Jesus is Lord!
So we don't want so much to give place to the Holy Spirit but we want the believers to walk in that place of life they should be walking in. In that new creation life empowered by the Holy Spirit and more than that... that their heads would be lifted and they would see their ascended Lord High and Lifted up.
Now by that leadership of the Holy Spirit drawing us into an ever-increasing knowledge of the truth every believer would come to know Him. He died for every man and woman and child so that the divine promises would fall upon our head and we would live in that life of baptism in the truest sense...dead to self, dead to the old creation, alive to the members of the body of Christ, alive as a new creation being led by the Spirit. We have a King!! His name is Jesus! He is seated on the throne and we are citizens of that kingdom. This is the gospel. And by this we shall raise our sons and daughters that the promises would remain for their sons and for their daughters till that day when Jesus comes and establishes His kingdom in the fullest sense. Till that day..our prayer remains...THY KINGDOM COME...THY WILL BE DONE..ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN....Amen.
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