In a day when stress and strain lead many to prescription medications and other substitute alternative measures to aleve frazzled nerves we are ever being stretched beyond what man could possibly bear.
The cares of this world.. and I'm not talking about illegitimate ones. Those very cares that have to do with the sustaining of our everyday life; our employment, the schooling of our children, our retirement welfare, the politics of the world. Anyone of those things by themselves alone can so rap us up as to entangle us and frazzle us out of our minds.
Sometimes I think its the conscientious ones who are so stressed. Others go around like there is not a care in the world because I think in their life there truly is no care. There is no true care or concern about what is happening around them and they are out of touch with life around them.
There is that noble concern for the care of your fellow man and if that is not there then we do not share in the heart of Christ for "God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son" and even the Son said.." Go ye out and make disciples of all the earth " and " love one another even as I have loved you." for how can I say I love God and do not have love for my brother.
There is a calling out of this world into the kingdom of God's peace where all of our cares are swallowed up in Jesus. We are discipled in every area into a place of peace into Jesus
What do we do when we have all these cares and we lose our peace?
I found a good reading from an Oswald Chambers devotional entitled " Are you ever disturbed". I'd like to share it with you.
" Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you."
There are times when our peace is based upon ignorance, but when we awaken to the facts of life, inner peace is impossible unless it is received from Jesus. When Our Lord speaks peace, He makes peace; His words are ever "spirit and life.
" Have I ever received what Jesus speaks? " My peace I give unto you"- it is a peace which comes from looking into His face and realizing His undisturbedness.
Are you painfully disturbed just now, distracted by the waves and billows of God's providential permission, and having, as it were, turned over the boulders of your belief, are you still finding no well of peace or joy or comfort; is all barren? Then look up and receive the undisturbedness of the Lord Jesus.
Reflected peace is the proof that you are right with God because you are at liberty to turn your mind to Him. If you are right with God, you can never turn your mind anywhere but on yourself. If you allow anything to hide the face of Jesus Christ from you, you are either disturbed or you have a false security.
Are you looking unto Jesus now, in the immediate matter that is pressing and receiving from Him peace? If so, He will be gracious benediction of peace in and through you.
But if you try to worry it out, you obliterate Him and deserve all you get. We get disturbed we have not been considering Him. When one confers with Jesus Christ the perplexity goes, because He has no perplexity, and our only concern is to abide in Him.
Lay it all out before Him, and in the face of difficulty, bereavement and sorrow, hear Him say, " Let not your heart be troubled."
The cares of this world.. and I'm not talking about illegitimate ones. Those very cares that have to do with the sustaining of our everyday life; our employment, the schooling of our children, our retirement welfare, the politics of the world. Anyone of those things by themselves alone can so rap us up as to entangle us and frazzle us out of our minds.
Sometimes I think its the conscientious ones who are so stressed. Others go around like there is not a care in the world because I think in their life there truly is no care. There is no true care or concern about what is happening around them and they are out of touch with life around them.
There is that noble concern for the care of your fellow man and if that is not there then we do not share in the heart of Christ for "God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son" and even the Son said.." Go ye out and make disciples of all the earth " and " love one another even as I have loved you." for how can I say I love God and do not have love for my brother.
There is a calling out of this world into the kingdom of God's peace where all of our cares are swallowed up in Jesus. We are discipled in every area into a place of peace into Jesus
What do we do when we have all these cares and we lose our peace?
I found a good reading from an Oswald Chambers devotional entitled " Are you ever disturbed". I'd like to share it with you.
" Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you."
There are times when our peace is based upon ignorance, but when we awaken to the facts of life, inner peace is impossible unless it is received from Jesus. When Our Lord speaks peace, He makes peace; His words are ever "spirit and life.
" Have I ever received what Jesus speaks? " My peace I give unto you"- it is a peace which comes from looking into His face and realizing His undisturbedness.
Are you painfully disturbed just now, distracted by the waves and billows of God's providential permission, and having, as it were, turned over the boulders of your belief, are you still finding no well of peace or joy or comfort; is all barren? Then look up and receive the undisturbedness of the Lord Jesus.
Reflected peace is the proof that you are right with God because you are at liberty to turn your mind to Him. If you are right with God, you can never turn your mind anywhere but on yourself. If you allow anything to hide the face of Jesus Christ from you, you are either disturbed or you have a false security.
Are you looking unto Jesus now, in the immediate matter that is pressing and receiving from Him peace? If so, He will be gracious benediction of peace in and through you.
But if you try to worry it out, you obliterate Him and deserve all you get. We get disturbed we have not been considering Him. When one confers with Jesus Christ the perplexity goes, because He has no perplexity, and our only concern is to abide in Him.
Lay it all out before Him, and in the face of difficulty, bereavement and sorrow, hear Him say, " Let not your heart be troubled."
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