Dear Family and Loved Ones,
Lets pray for Cameron. Our Lord's mercies and compassions knows no bounds. His love has no limits and there is no measure to His grace. This young man has such a heavy, heavy load. May we ease it by bringing Him to the mighty God of the Heavens and the Earth who can lift any weight that anyone can imagine. ' Lord Jesus, we present you Cameron and these tumors that are in his brain. This is your child Lord. We lift him up to you in faith trusting your unfailing love and abilities. We lift up to you the whole family and all thier financial and emotional cost. Come in Lord like a flood of grace in the power of your Holy Spirit and minister to them. Hear all of us now as we entrust ourselves to you faithful Lord God of all the living. In Jesus name we pray."
Love to all,
Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:22:39 -0500
"Jennifer Miertschin"View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:22:39 -0500
"Jennifer Miertschin"
To:"Rodolfo Gutierrez" , "Mom-Home" , "Mom" , "Hannah Gutierrez" , "Hubby"
Fwd: Cam's Update
Here is a boy I would like for you to put on your blog prayer list. He is 15 and has major brain and spinal tumors, that have the potential of becoming malignant at any time.
His family LOVES the Lords, as does he. He suffers from major and constant pain. As you can read, his family has significant financial costs b/c of his condition.
All of my family, Mark and I pray for him already, and it would be beautiful to have you pray for Cameron and his family. Shelia, his mother is an awesome inspiration. She loves the Lord in such a real way. (as I am sure you can read)
Much Love to you all. Can't wait to all be together Thursday.
-J---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Sheila Garcia <http://us.f560.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=sheila.garcia@dalecarnegiehouston.com>Date: Jul 30, 2007 3:02 PMSubject: Cam's UpdateTo: Sheila Garcia <http://us.f560.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=sheila.garcia@dalecarnegiehouston.com>
This past Sunday, while I was listening to the message at church, one question REALLY stood out to me:
"What if our impatience was getting in the way of what God had in mind?"
I always think that Cameron's been going through this for a long three years now – and all the things that come along with his illness. I always think what a long suffering it has been. When I heard that question, though, it really hit a nerve. What if my impatience is getting in the way of what God has in mind through Cam being so sick?
He's had a pretty hard month – lots of added pain and pressure this month, it seems. He's on schedule for his spinal tap in August; maybe that will help ease some of this pressure. I always look at the MRI scan and (even still) it blows me away. The size of the one on the left is gargantuan. I can only IMAGINE what the pain is like. He doesn't give it all away – he's the "strong, silent" type. We don't sleep much these days, as night time seems to be the hardest right now. I'm hoping as summer fades so does some of this pressure.
As soon as we get the monthly MRI and the quarterly lumbar puncture out of the way, they will be assessing him for a neuro-bolt and cranial expansion again. We will be consulting not only with the docs here, but also contacting Dr. Billica in Colorado, as well. The MRI/spinal tap date is August 14 th so I'll update again as soon as we know anything.
Please pray over the attached pic – this time around I'm not going to ask for prayers for desires for my family and for God to bless those desires – this time around I ask that you pray for God's will – whatever it may be. Maybe if we turn focus on just that this month, my impatience won't get in the way of God's will.
Thank you for your continued prayers, thoughts, sensitivities and concerns.
Fwd: Cam's Update
Here is a boy I would like for you to put on your blog prayer list. He is 15 and has major brain and spinal tumors, that have the potential of becoming malignant at any time.
His family LOVES the Lords, as does he. He suffers from major and constant pain. As you can read, his family has significant financial costs b/c of his condition.
All of my family, Mark and I pray for him already, and it would be beautiful to have you pray for Cameron and his family. Shelia, his mother is an awesome inspiration. She loves the Lord in such a real way. (as I am sure you can read)
Much Love to you all. Can't wait to all be together Thursday.
-J---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Sheila Garcia <http://us.f560.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=sheila.garcia@dalecarnegiehouston.com>Date: Jul 30, 2007 3:02 PMSubject: Cam's UpdateTo: Sheila Garcia <http://us.f560.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=sheila.garcia@dalecarnegiehouston.com>
This past Sunday, while I was listening to the message at church, one question REALLY stood out to me:
"What if our impatience was getting in the way of what God had in mind?"
I always think that Cameron's been going through this for a long three years now – and all the things that come along with his illness. I always think what a long suffering it has been. When I heard that question, though, it really hit a nerve. What if my impatience is getting in the way of what God has in mind through Cam being so sick?
He's had a pretty hard month – lots of added pain and pressure this month, it seems. He's on schedule for his spinal tap in August; maybe that will help ease some of this pressure. I always look at the MRI scan and (even still) it blows me away. The size of the one on the left is gargantuan. I can only IMAGINE what the pain is like. He doesn't give it all away – he's the "strong, silent" type. We don't sleep much these days, as night time seems to be the hardest right now. I'm hoping as summer fades so does some of this pressure.
As soon as we get the monthly MRI and the quarterly lumbar puncture out of the way, they will be assessing him for a neuro-bolt and cranial expansion again. We will be consulting not only with the docs here, but also contacting Dr. Billica in Colorado, as well. The MRI/spinal tap date is August 14 th so I'll update again as soon as we know anything.
Please pray over the attached pic – this time around I'm not going to ask for prayers for desires for my family and for God to bless those desires – this time around I ask that you pray for God's will – whatever it may be. Maybe if we turn focus on just that this month, my impatience won't get in the way of God's will.
Thank you for your continued prayers, thoughts, sensitivities and concerns.
"Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows."
~Isaiah 53:4

Sheila M. Garcia
Sales & Marketing Coordinator
Dale Carnegie Houston
Dir: 713*779*3564
O ff: 713*779*8080
Fax: 713*779*8484
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