Dear Family and Love Ones,
we so need that you would immediately where-ever you are just call on the Lord Jesus for Monica Ann. The Lord knows her but we so need to just lift her up to Him in all prayer and faith these very hours. Do read the emails I recieved below and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and pray with all faith for Monica! ' Lord Jesus hear us even this very moment! COme in Lord Jesus in all thy grace and power to deliver and heal! Come in Lord Jesus to be to Monica her dilverer and strength! Jesus our Lord, Come in this hour and save to the uttermost! Father hear us as we pray! In your Son's name. IN Jesus' name we pray! amen
love to all,
RE: URGENT prayer request
Wed, 1 Aug 2007 11:25:12 -0500
"Mark Miertschin"View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
"Kohl, Eric"
Amen and will do, brother. I'm forwarding the request to my father-in-law Rudy who posts these requests on his blog for many brothers and sisters to join together.
Peace be with you and family...
Mark Miertschin, CTS
AV Productions
Direct: 832.295.1227
From: Kohl, Eric [mailto:ekohl@hp.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 11:19 AMTo: jford@westhoustonchurch.org; scott.henry@ca.com; Jennifer Henry; Darren Croom; Karen Croom; Stephen Sheasby; Chris Reese; Alan Mashburn; Jerry Dayton; Joelle Yates; Mark Miertschin; Matt Soper; Melissa Sisson; Gary Vaughn; mavravSubject: URGENT prayer requestImportance: High
Taran and I urgently request your prayers –I just found out that our niece Monica Ann has been hospitalized in Lake Charles with emergency complications with her pregnancy- and the doctors have induced labor. Monica is in distress, and the baby is as too- her heart rate is dropping while Monica’s BP is out of control. Monica has a clotting disorder, so a c-section is a last resort because of the surgical risks. Please pray for His hands to guide and comfort all involved!
Eric Kohl, CTS Hewlett Packard Executive Briefing Center & Worldwide Boards of Advisors 281-518-0695 phone
713-417-7905 mobile http://us.f560.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=ekohl@hp.com
RE: URGENT prayer request
Wed, 1 Aug 2007 11:25:12 -0500
"Mark Miertschin"
"Kohl, Eric"
Amen and will do, brother. I'm forwarding the request to my father-in-law Rudy who posts these requests on his blog for many brothers and sisters to join together.
Peace be with you and family...
Mark Miertschin, CTS
AV Productions
Direct: 832.295.1227
From: Kohl, Eric [mailto:ekohl@hp.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 11:19 AMTo: jford@westhoustonchurch.org; scott.henry@ca.com; Jennifer Henry; Darren Croom; Karen Croom; Stephen Sheasby; Chris Reese; Alan Mashburn; Jerry Dayton; Joelle Yates; Mark Miertschin; Matt Soper; Melissa Sisson; Gary Vaughn; mavravSubject: URGENT prayer requestImportance: High
Taran and I urgently request your prayers –I just found out that our niece Monica Ann has been hospitalized in Lake Charles with emergency complications with her pregnancy- and the doctors have induced labor. Monica is in distress, and the baby is as too- her heart rate is dropping while Monica’s BP is out of control. Monica has a clotting disorder, so a c-section is a last resort because of the surgical risks. Please pray for His hands to guide and comfort all involved!
Eric Kohl, CTS Hewlett Packard Executive Briefing Center & Worldwide Boards of Advisors 281-518-0695 phone
713-417-7905 mobile http://us.f560.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=ekohl@hp.com
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